Increase visibility
and boost sales

#let yourself be inspired

Sales campaigns, brand development and digital routine

Continuous further development
of your positioning

We work closely and trustingly with our clients to continuously strengthen their visibility in the market and significantly and measurably increase their sales.

Why do our clients work with us as brand builders?

Always launching targeted sales campaigns , leading distinctive brand development and establishing digital routines – introducing efficient workflows – implementing them together and providing long-term support.

Do you start with the strategy or the campaign first?

Start consulting, strategy and implementation simultaneously in the project and keep all three continuously in focus in order to achieve customer goals.

What is the long-term goal of all our customer projects?

Helping customers to help themselves so that they are able to act independently. If necessary, we can take over the cockpit again at short notice and bridge the implementation and management together.

How does the client organize teamwork, transparency and openness with us?

Short-term online and on-site training for internal and external teams, workshops, long-term coaching, steering committee support. All measures to achieve customer goals such as regular customer care and employee retention on a daily basis.







#KI – Help for self-help

Events with discussions and knowledge sharing

Whether you are visiting an event with us or starting a team meeting, we look forward to seeing you.

#2be. Feasible

Current topics that we are passionate about:

#2be. Feasible

Current topics for which we are burning:

Services with high customer benefit

Get rid of what is superfluous and focus on tools and contact points that bring you closer to your goal: For the sake of your customer.

Customer journey, usability, design and programming

Linking corporate
identity with
brand strategy

How does my company get to number 1 on Google

Complete position incl. Automation via Adobe InDesign

Measurable increase in sales and employee search

PowerPoint, digitale Whiteboards umsetzen und trainieren

Digital Jetzt, go-digital, digital bonus, use digital bonus plus

Expand YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn as sales channels

Helping people to help themselves – strengthening LinkedIn and telephone canvassing

30 – 60 sec. Films
– real film shooting,
3D animation
and editing

Profile optimization, implementation and workshop – help for self-help

follow-up for
your sales success

Development is a team affair

Sympathetic. Helpful. Vereinfachend.

Our partners and memberships

Sympathetic. Helpful. Vereinfachend.

rabbithole group - Logo

Rabbit Hole Group GmbH

We are an active member of the “Rabbit Hole” group of companies, a Europe-wide alliance of more than 19 companies with a strong focus on IT-based solutions and more than 250 employees. View Website



The potential of too many sustainable ideas remains untapped for a variety of reasons.
As a member, we therefore support founders, creators and investors with our markenmacher method in the sales campaign and in brand development. View Website

Medical Valley - Logo

Medical Valley e.V.

We have been a proud member of Medical Valley for many years and benefit from exclusive member formats and their knowledge, which we in turn incorporate into our customers’ projects. View Website

quer.kraft - Logo

quer.kraft e.V.

We have also been actively involved in the quer.kraft innovation association for more than 15 years as a working group leader, mentor and member. Matthias Brinkmann also heads the “Sales campaign in the innovation process” working group. View Website

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As a raidboxes business partner, not only do we benefit from many advantages and a large partner network, our customers also benefit from improved conditions with their WordPress websites hosted by us. View Website

Services and topics that currently concern customers and us

Transparent. Collaborative. Prioritized.

AI-supported language models optimise our work processes and enable innovative solutionsage models

AI in German: challenges and innovations

4 Min.

We live in an exciting world where technology is shaping the way we communicate and AI-powered language models are playing an increasingly important role. According to a survey from 2023, […]

From our references: Examples of modern PowerPoint slides

Classic vs. AI-driven PowerPoint presentation: a comparison

3 Min.

The way presentations are created has changed dramatically in recent years. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), new tools are now available that can significantly simplify and automate the […]

Always up to date, briefly and concisely informed about everything.

We are team players

Anyone who does business with us can look forward to a feel-good package. We not only take care of the essential components of each campaign, but also always provide the customer with two contact persons* (pilot / co-pilot). *Onboarding is the keyword here

Customers and brands – mutual trust and appreciation

B2B and B2C – from A to Z

181 further references from various industries are available on request.