Red thread in the continuous improvement process.

#involve and make visible

Continuous brand development

Involve and inspire customers and employees

Brand development is a process that not only requires special tenacity and perseverance, but also requires constant optimisation of the alignment. The following applies: once installed in the company, this specification can be ensured without the extensive use of internal resources or even investment in external services.

The advantage of working on this process: Even if you feel that you have “lost your way” in recent years or have followed through with your brand development with a lack of consistency, corrections or the re-intensification of measures are possible at any time. Brands do not have an expiry date: unsuccessfully trodden side paths can be put back on track, halted or faltering processes can be set in motion again.

Continuous brand development

Involve and inspire customers and employees

Brand development is a process that not only requires special tenacity and perseverance, but also requires constant optimisation of the alignment. The following applies: once installed in the company, this specification can be ensured without the extensive use of internal resources or even investment in external services.

The advantage of working on this process: Even if you feel that you have “lost your way” in recent years or have followed through with your brand development with a lack of consistency, corrections or the re-intensification of measures are possible at any time. Brands do not have an expiry date: unsuccessfully trodden side paths can be put back on track, halted or faltering processes can be set in motion again.

Ablauf und Vorgehensweise – gemeinsam starten und dranbleiben

The procedure for this is very simple

  • Situation analysis


    Set brand and revenue targets against the past and future

    Sie starten zunächst mit uns die Sammlung vergangener „Markenprojekte“ und -kampagnen, schätzen diese zusammen in ihrer Gesamtheit ein und bewerten die daraus gewonnen Erfahrungen. Am besten aus Sicht derjenigen, die sie initiiert haben. Hierzu ist absolute Offenheit und Transparenz Voraussetzung: Was hat tatsächlich funktioniert, was nicht?

  • Value proposition


    Customer journey - Keywords - Storytelling - Image concept

    We then work with our clients to find the common thread that holds the various projects and activities together. Nutzenversprechen und Kundenreise sind dabei die beiden wichtigsten Leitplanken, die die Priorität im Einsatz von Zeit, Anforderungen, Kosten und Budget definieren. Important: We also keep an eye on ideas that have no use at this point. Zeiten ändern sich und ein Kontaktpunkt oder Instrument, das heute nur schwer umsetzbar erscheint, kann morgen eine erstaunliche Wirkung in der Umsetzung entfalten.

  • Team building


    Analogue and digital participation

    Of course, we are still keen on a world that is as analogue as possible, where pushing, shoving, live discussion, pasting, posting and, above all, on-site discussion can take place – but the synchronous and digital mapping of all activities is now inevitable. Leicht verständliche und einfach zu bedienende digitale Whiteboards, Kollaborations- / Projektmanagement-Tools helfen allen Involvierten, sich am Prozess zu beteiligen und – quasi als „Mitmacher“ – den roten Faden selbst zu führen.

  • Strategy implementation


    Contact point management - prioritization - steering committee - delegating tasks - obtaining feedback

    It is imperative that successful brand development remains lean, quick to implement and practical. The documentation for this must be limited to the essentials and be editable and viewable live by all. Successful brand development is always a joint effort. Nur wenn alle den roten Faden aufnehmen und die besten Ideen bearbeiten, kann das Ziel erreicht werden. In der Gegenüberstellung möglicher Kontaktpunkte scheiden gleich solche Instrumente aus, an die der Kunde für die Kampagne nicht glaubt.

  • Continuous further development


    Sales at the best contact points - opinion leaders report

    Only those who have the courage to try out new things and continuously use the tried and tested can easily keep pace with the changing times in the further development of their brand. Especially in sales campaigns, the risk of “smaller stakes” can help to explore the impact of new sales media or tools. Schlagen diese an, können sie im größeren Umfang eingesetzt werden, um dann höhere Sichtbarkeit und Umsätze zu generieren.

  • Step



    You start by collecting past “brand projects” and campaigns with us, assessing them together in their entirety and evaluating the experience gained from them, preferably from the point of view of those who initiated them. This requires absolute openness and transparency: what actually worked and what didn’t?

  • Step


    Value proposition and customer journey

    We then work with our clients to find the common thread that holds the various projects and activities together. Value proposition and customer journey are the two main guard rails that define the priority in the use of time, requirements: internal and external and costs, budget. Important: We also keep an eye on ideas that have no use at this point. Times change, and a point of contact or tool that seems difficult to implement today may have an amazing impact in implementation tomorrow.

  • Step


    Analogue and digital participation

    Of course, we are still keen on a world that is as analogue as possible, where pushing, shoving, live discussion, pasting, posting and, above all, on-site discussion can take place – but the synchronous and digital mapping of all activities is now inevitable. Easy-to-understand and easy-to-use digital whiteboards, collaboration / project management tools help all participants to take part in the process and – as “joiners”, so to speak – to lead the thread themselves.

  • Step


    Lean and successful implementation

    It is imperative that successful brand development remains lean, quick to implement and practical. The documentation for this must be limited to the essentials and be editable and viewable live by all. Successful brand development is always a joint effort. Only if everyone picks up the thread and works on the most promising ideas can the goal be achieved. In the comparison of possible contact points, those instruments that the customer does not believe in for the campaign are thus immediately eliminated.

  • Step


    Sales at the best contact points

    Only those who have the courage to try out new things and continuously use the tried and tested can easily keep pace with the changing times in the further development of their brand. Especially in sales campaigns, the risk of “smaller stakes” can help to explore the impact of new sales media or tools. If these hit, they can be used on a larger scale to then generate correspondingly higher visibility and sales.

Successful brand development

From brand consulting to regular brand development

Enthusiastic customers of the brand development

More is always possible

Begeisterte Kunden aus der Geschäftsführung, Vertrieb, F+E und anderen Abteilungen berichten ihnen die Ergebnisse ihrer Markenweiterentwicklung und wie sich ihre Marke, die Sichtbarkeit ihrer Dienstleistung oder Produkt und der Umsatz kontinuierlich entwickelt haben.