Turning the Internet into a top salesperson
Companies from the B2B sector or those with a highly complex service and product portfolio generally do not have the prerequisites to integrate a classic online store into their website. For one thing, the components that make up pricing are too diverse and too variable. On the other hand, too much price transparency is usually not desirable at all, because it is not very conducive to one’s own bidding process if one provides the competition with too much detailed information.
Nevertheless, even such companies should not forgo the wide range of possibilities offered by an online store when using their web presence. For example, by using configurators or click advisors, the customer can be given a certain price range – depending on the equipment, product variants or various special services. This is specified jointly, after the contact has been exchanged, e.g. via an online form or via a chatbot by telephone or in an on-site meeting. With this way, you come into direct contact with your customers in any case.
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Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49