As if written by a ghost
High-quality content builds the heart of any sales or marketing activity. The problem is that in order to create this regularly, you need the necessary in-house skills – and above all: Time. Since both are rarely available as a double pack in the busy day-to-day business, companies seek external support to create texts or other editorial components. If you have found the right partner as a “ghostwriter” – this is definitely a successful model!
In our series of online seminars on various sales and marketing topics, we had the topic “Content” on the agenda on 31 May 2022. Together with our partner agency TextVersion and around 15 participants, we explored possibilities and measures on how classic ghostwriting can be done as efficiently as possible today.
There was general agreement on one answer: creating high-quality content as efficiently as possible is more important than ever. The reason why many companies are lagging behind their own ideas? – The factor of continuity. Especially the permanent use of homepages and social media accounts requires regular use in the company. If the motivation slackens, the content production dries up and so ultimately at some point the results (for example in Google optimisation) fail to materialise. In the open round that followed, it emerged that some participants had good experiences with fixed weekly dates in the preparation. With this way, a permanent content input can be ensured with low fixed costs!
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Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49