Annual general meeting quer.kraft
How can start-ups and mentors best benefit from each other?
The date for the annual general meeting of quer.kraft – der Innovationsverein e. V. is today, this year on 12 October. Of the sixty or so member companies and institutions, a total of almost one hundred and fifty participants were present – half of them connected online via Microsoft Teams.
Our 2021 post this time was about “Start-up mentoring: how to do it right?”, specifically, “What functions can the relationship between mentors and mentees perform so that both sides can benefit?”
In this context Michael Herz and 2be managing director Matthias Brinkmann moderated experiences of start-ups and Querkraft members different experiences, needs and wishes on the topic of mentoring. Present as sparring partners were fellow makers such as Frederic Kaul from Acalta, Dr. Korbinian Spann from Insaas, Hendryk Knuth from Motivo1, ….. The core questions alone generated lively feedback: Why and in what way do start-ups need the support of mentors with financial or industry experience? What necessary input can they provide here? But also: In what way do mentors benefit from advising start-up companies in terms of networking and expanding their industry knowledge?
More than just a detail: We successfully organized our presentation as a “hybrid workshop”. This means that the participants on site were able to “plug in” directly with their laptops and thus post their questions and comments during the lecture on an on-site pinboard and online whiteboard.
Interested mentors and mentees are welcome to contact us, there will certainly be follow-up workshops and a mentoring system for members and startups.
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Our contact person will be pleased to help you:
Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49