Use newsletters as an information and sales channel!
E-mails are still one of the best ways to stay in touch with customers and partners. Just like analog mailboxes in the past, email inboxes have retained their special status in everyday digital life. The motto “the good ones in the pot, the bad ones in the bowl” also applies here: Spam ends up in the virtual wastepaper basket – easier than ever thanks to filters and blocking functions. But this is precisely where the opportunity lies: if you manage to attract the attention of your target group with relevant and appealing content, you can use emails and newsletters as an effective information and sales channel.
Why emails and newsletters are still unbeatable
Good old habits can be used wonderfully for modern marketing. Sending emails – be it for the latest news, company updates or product information – is a tried and tested method that never goes out of fashion. Regular newsletters are particularly popular and effective. The important thing is that the content counts. And doubly so! On the one hand, it must be interesting for your target group, and on the other, it should be clear, concise and, above all, useful. Nobody wants to end up in the spam folder – and certainly not with valuable information that will never be read.
How to design newsletters that are well received
- Relevance is the key: only send content that really matters to your readers. Whether general added value or individually tailored tips – your subscribers should always feel addressed.
- Get to the point: Lengthy texts are off-putting. Short, crisp and with a recognizable benefit for the reader – that’s how your message convinces.
- A good first impression: The subject and the first few lines of an e-mail often decide whether it is opened. Make sure they arouse curiosity!
Our conclusion: emails and newsletters remain relevant
Regardless of whether you want to acquire new customers or maintain existing partnerships: Emails are still an extremely valuable communication channel. We recently tried it out ourselves when we sent out a new newsletter – and we were delighted with the positive feedback! Take advantage of this potential to spread your messages in a simple, effective and appealing way. Your mailbox (and that of your customers) can be more than just a collection point for digital mail!
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+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49