From Newsletter to LinkedIn
For many industries and companies, the classic newsletter is a supporting medium for their own successful sales. Especially announcements, possible discounts and exclusive offers can be sent to all interested parties quite excellently on this channel.
We have also used this tool for many years and have always kept our partners and customers informed in this way. But as the saying goes –
A rolling stone gathers no moss 😊 So we saddle up and try something new:
Get the fire extinguishers out, because we’ll be posting our hottest fires, most interesting news and info on a wide variety of topics on LinkedIn from now on! Personal, focused, up close and direct to the network – a team effort where everyone can share their style and favorite topics with their network. We hope you will continue to follow our topics on LinkedIn and look forward to exchanging ideas with you directly.
Curious now?
Our contact persons will be pleased to help you:
Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49
Kathrin Hasseler
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 54