Current wave of warnings: avoid integration of Google Fonts
Currently, a veritable flood of warnings is rolling in for website operators who have embedded Google Fonts as font types in their websites. The starting point for this is the ruling of the LG Munich from January 2022, which classified the remote integration of Google Fonts as illegal due to data protection concerns.
Via Google Fonts, Google provides its users with around 1400 fonts. This library is freely available, remotely as well as locally. The problem: If the Google Fonts integration is not correct, personal data of website users is passed on to Google. This is especially the case if Google Fonts is not stored locally on the server, but is used remotely. Fonts can be uploaded from Google servers and personal user data of the website users can be transmitted to Google with them: For the Munich Regional Court, this is an unacceptable violation of the general right of personality.
Helpful: The digital platform eRecht24 provides a free scan at that you can use to check the integration of Google Fonts on your website.
If they detect a remote integration of your homepage, you should switch to a local integration as soon as possible.
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