Link innovations to sales processes at an early stage
Innovations are always in demand, innovations are absolutely necessary:
But if this is the case, why is it that over ninety percent of all new product developments cannot be successfully placed on the market?
One possible reason for this was provided by 2be’s Managing Director Matthias Brinkmann in his talk, which he gave to around a hundred invited guests at a meet-up at the Wiesbaden headquarters of Seibert/Media GmbH on September 16.
Brinkmann’s hypothesis: The absolute majority of innovative R&D projects are simply not integrated into a corresponding sales campaign early enough. In this way, valuable time is lost until the start of production to gather knowledge about possible target groups and their specific needs and requirements within the sales process and – if possible – to incorporate these into the development process.
Therefore, a wish to all development departments: Invite the sales department to a delicious cappuccino or espresso 1.5 years earlier.
Matthias Brinkmann cited the conception of a new type of silencer in the field of hunting equipment as an example of how effectively an early coupling of development and sales activities can work. This has already been aggressively promoted as a prototype at industry trade shows and via social media channels following patent registration. Thus, the product, which was still in the process of being developed, already had a name before it was even ready for series production and, with this reach, was able to benefit from a long-standing resonance in the market.
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Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49