Find & conquer new markets
Online workshop on January 13
Look for other markets – realign sales strategy
Pandemic-related restrictions, delivery problems, price increases: Almost every company is currently facing one problem or pressure situation or another.
Establishing additional footholds in other industries can be an effective means of making one’s company more resilient to volatile market situations. On the occasion of a seminar organized jointly with 2be_die markenmacher, Philipp Wichert from TIM Consulting presented his approach of “competence-based new business generation” for this purpose. This online event, held on January 13, 2022, focused on the extent to which it is possible for companies to diversify into new markets – based on existing competencies.
The advantage of being able to position oneself more broadly with new customer segments and reduce entrepreneurial risks simultaneously requires increased commitment, because other customer segments also generally require a different approach and different sales channels. Therefore, the sales strategy should be started at an early stage parallel to the solution development. Matthias Brinkmann from 2be_die markenmacher presented examples of successful brand and sales strategies for newly developed products.
Participants discussed interactions between new business generation and sales strategy and how they align with each other. It was agreed that decisive action is currently imperative!
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Matthias Brinkmann
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