Brand networking: From experience exchange to sales!
As banal as it may sound, it remains true: Networking even the most disparate brands always proves to be a lasting connection when both parties benefit from it. The “currency” that circulates between the two business partners can consist of knowledge and experience, financial resources, but also purely positive emotions. In this way, partners become customers – customers become partners.
The network we have spun has proven its versatility many times over. Among other things, we are a partner of technical universities, a working group leader at quer.kraft, a member of Medical Valley and BFM – Bayreuth, and thus find ourselves in the middle of an area of conflict between innovation, market-current technologies and effective sales and marketing work.
Important for us and our networks: We definitely want to bring the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience into application. In the end, business models are only worth as much as they – literally – pay off. Therefore, we are focused on moving from model elaboration to sales as quickly as possible, and prefer to adjust the model set up as the business situation changes.
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Our contact person will be pleased to help you:
Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49