Candidate journey digital – which tools promise success?
The Candidate Journey encompasses all the experiences that applicants gather at all points of contact with a potential employer. These experiences range from the job search to the application process and job interviews to onboarding, and are increasingly taking place digitally.
Finding the right candidates at the right time is more than an ordinary challenge for most companies. Where should a company show itself? In the daily newspaper, on job portals or trade fairs? Is it enough to put a few posts online, or do you need a dedicated social media manager in your HR department?
Against this backdrop, we, Matthias Brinkmann from 2be – Die Markenmacher and Daniel Alt from DAA Holding GmbH, met with other entrepreneurs from the metropolitan region to share experiences, understand challenges and learn from best practice examples.
The Candidate Journey at a glance
By optimizing their touchpoints, companies reach qualified candidates and avoid them abandoning the application while the process is still underway. A positive reputation is also important, as experiences – both bad and good – are quickly shared through social media platforms and employer portals like kununu and reach many people. These also have an impact on future applicants, as the number of job prospects decreases when there are many negative reviews.
Our workshops, tips and tricks, and Candidate Journey Index can help identify relevant touchpoints and compare competitors.
Best practice – chatbots for applicants
Chatbots can process both text-based and spoken language, enabling fully automated conversations with job applicants without direct human intervention. They can be integrated into the career site and offer inquirers a convenient and barrier-free point of contact for individual questions and concerns.
In the search for suitable candidates, chatbots offer two key advantages: First, interested applicants can find out about crucial questions much earlier. This reduces the workload of the HR department in particular: the total number of applications may even decrease, while the number of qualified applications, i.e. people who are genuinely interested, increases. On the other hand, companies learn directly which topics and factors are relevant for potential candidates. Whether it’s the menu in the canteen, the job bike, or simply the Christmas party: this information is not available to competitors and can be used directly for their own advertising campaigns.
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Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49