Sales workshop: the best advice for sales success
A business idea so good that it is a sure-fire success? – There is not any. Even the most brilliant product or service is not so good that it doesn’t need to be sold. The gods have sweat (sales) sweat before success, but: How do I talk to customers on the phone at all? How do I find the right entry point for a cold call? After the customer has shown interest or disinterest, how do I proceed to achieve my sales goals?
Establishing a functioning sales organization is one of the most difficult requirements of all, especially for start-ups. In order to provide support here, we at 2be advise – the brand makers with our two decades of operational expertise in the market directly at the source: online and offline. Example “Gründercafé” der Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). Here, in the best of best practice fashion, they recently organized an online sales workshop in which around forty students took part.
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