Friendly connected: Matthias Brinkmann takes over presidency of “OT4” in Nuremberg
Matthias Brinkmann, managing director of 2be – die Markenmacher has taken over the presidency of the approximately thirty members of Old Tablers 4 in Nuremberg (OT4) from Albrecht Thiet on 7.3.2020 – freely following his motto: “We are all president”. In this function, he will play a leading role in organizing the club’s diverse events, especially the exciting lectures, together with the four-member presidium, and will moderate them.
Brinkmann has been a member of the Round Table Association for ten years and of OT4 for seven years – a globally operating network that is characterized by the friendly solidarity and mutual helpfulness of its members across all regional borders.
Just as in the days of King Arthur, friends meet regularly at the “round table” to plan events, cultivate common interests and engage in controversial discussions – regardless of religion, profession, social position or skin colour.
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Our contact person will be pleased to help you:
Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49