Well prepared for success
Advertising that is supposed to work is not something you just shake off the cuff. Meticulous planning and a clean, focused implementation with clearly defined goals is the prerequisite for measurable success.
Step 1: the in-depth analysis of the current state – what distinguishes the company, who works there? What are the values behind the brand? What message should be brought to the people?
Step 2: Define the target state – the conception phase provides clarity about the goals to be achieved with the advertising action or campaign. Is it a matter of increasing brand awareness per se or of getting customers excited about a particular product?
Step 3: implement the concept – a “process map” helps the agency to work out the core message and responsibilities in detail – right through to communication with the client.
Step 4: Implementing the concept – only now, after all details have been fine-tuned to optimally convey the core message to the target groups, does the implementation of the actual advertising measures begin: Internet pages are programmed, advertisements and flyers are designed, trade fair events are organized.
Step 5: Measure the success – Of course the customer wants to know which successes could be achieved with the advertising measure, whether the investment was actually worthwhile for him. The best way to show him the effect of the advertising campaign is to provide him with tangible figures in a very transparent way: for example, was he able to significantly increase the number of qualified contacts at the trade fair? Has he succeeded in generating new business through his website? But even if the details may not run smoothly at the beginning, the evaluation of the measurement results offers clear advantages for customers and agencies alike: Based on the figures, weak points in the concept or implementation can be detected very quickly and ideally eliminated during the advertising campaign.
Conclusion: Advertising does have a pronounced emotional component. But it leaves nothing to chance.
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Matthias Brinkmann
+49 (0)911 / 47 49 49 49