Complete brand development and market launch


Order situation

The operator of the Egloffsteiner Hofin Altendorf, Werner Fleischmann, approached the packaging manufacturer with the idea of developing a reusable transport box for the catering sector; this was then to be passed on to the guests of the respective establishment. The Fürstgroup has enthusiastically taken up this new idea and developed a corresponding product(Paqpac) for it. The task was then to introduce this product to the market in terms of branding and sales.

Project order

  • Complete brand building or development
  • Logo branding
  • Design of the complete image world
  • Design of the Group’s exhibition stand for Fachpack 2021
  • 3D visualization of the box on the website
  • Design of the landing pagederived from this
  • Development and design of a newsletter including an e-mail push system


Especially in the social media environment (Instagram), the Fürstgroup benefits from the enormous popularity of this new product. An online shop, through which it can also be distributed in large sales units, is currently still under construction.

The customer

As a specialist in the manufacture of injection moulds and tools, Karl Fürst founded Karl Fürst, Erlangen / Werkzeug- und Maschinenbau in 1938. In the meantime, FÜRSTGROUP, as a family-run company of the fourth generation, is an internationally renowned developer and manufacturer of plastic packaging, especially containers.

Project order

  • Complete brand building or development
  • Logo branding
  • Design of the complete image world
  • Design of the Group’s exhibition stand for Fachpack 2021
  • 3D visualization of the box on the website
  • Design of the landing pagederived from this
  • Development and design of a newsletter including an e-mail push system


Especially in the social media environment (Instagram), the Fürstgroup benefits from the enormous popularity of this new product. An online shop, through which it can also be distributed in large sales units, is currently still under construction.

As a specialist in the manufacture of injection moulds and tools, Karl Fürst founded Karl Fürst, Erlangen / Werkzeug- und Maschinenbau in 1938. In the meantime, the Fürstgroup, as a family-run company of the fourth generation, has become an internationally renowned developer and manufacturer of plastic packaging, especially containers.

Brand personalities

B2B and B2C – from A to Z


181 further references from various industries are available on request.