Generating impetus for improvements on a regular basis


Order situation

As the person responsible for expanding and optimising the digital processes in the reading circle, BKR was commissioned to organise webinars. The aim of these was to exchange information with existing and potential new customers on a regular basis and thereby generate new impulses for the improvement of their own services.

Project order

2be – die markenmacher acted in several ways as a driving force and pacemaker for the preparatory organization and implementation of the reading circle webinars. This primarily involved providing solutions on how to get customers excited about participating in webinars and how to build a whole campaign “around” them, but also generating topics and setting up a functioning schedule.


The webinar series is in full swing! At the start of the series, twelve participants, regular and new customers alike, were not only present but also took part in an extremely lively discussion. The following event will take place on 27 July between 9 and 12 am on the topic of “Sales Campaigns”.

The customer

Founded in Nuremberg in 1989, BRK has been offering individual software solutions for medium-sized companies as well as for well-known large companies in a wide range of industries for over 30 years. The focus is on consulting, software development and various services based on technologically future-oriented platforms and architectures.


Project order

2be – die markenmacher acted in several ways as a driving force and pacemaker for the preparatory organization and implementation of the reading circle webinars. This primarily involved providing solutions on how to get customers excited about participating in webinars and how to build a whole campaign “around” them, but also generating topics and setting up a functioning schedule.


The webinar series is in full swing! At the start of the series, twelve participants, regular and new customers alike, were not only present but also took part in an extremely lively discussion. The following event will take place on 27 July between 9 and 12 am on the topic of “Sales Campaigns”.

Founded in Nuremberg in 1989, BRK has been offering individual software solutions for medium-sized companies as well as for well-known large companies in a wide range of industries for over 30 years. The focus is on consulting, software development and various services based on technologically future-oriented platforms and architectures.

Brand personalities

B2B and B2C – from A to Z

OHM: Technische Hochschule Nürnberg

181 further references from various industries are available on request.